Tuesday, 23 November 2010

West Midlands - " More than Courses" Alternative Approaches to CPD

In the West Mids we are looking at alternative approaches to CPD – such as mentoring, shadowing, buddying and “Learn and share”. What we think we know is that these approaches work really well, but what the original research showed was that they are often only used for a short time during induction. What we would like to be able to do is generate a set of materials and examples of effective practice which will enable organisations to get alternative approaches off the ground more easily. It is often difficult to change practice and we hope to be able to  do some of the initial work and produce some how to guides that you can use easily.

We know there is effective practice out there and we would really like to capture as much as possible. So if you are doing something really good – let us know! Alternatively please have a look at the draft documents we have produced which are available at http://www.natspec.org.uk/enhancement-of-learning-support/regional-activity/west-midlands.html and let us know what you think. Being able to deliver effective CPD opportunities by drawing on the expertise and experience of you own staff team should be a very powerful way of delivering CPD as well as being very cost effective  in these times of tight budgets!

We are not just interested in mentoring, shadowing, buddying and “Learn and Share” What we would really like to hear about is anything that you feel has provided you with an opportunity to learn and develop your practice – no matter how unorthodox it might appear to be. Often the casual or unplanned is very effective and we want to see if there are ways of making the unplanned more planned!!

 Can you tell us one thing that you have learnt in the last year that made a difference and ........how you learnt it!

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